Your Guide to the Top eCommerce Website Design Trends

If you have an eCommerce website, you need some amazing eCommerce web design. Here are the latest web design trends.

By 2021, it is estimated that e-commerce sales will amount to 4.7 billion dollars worldwide.

How, then, can you make sure your eCommerce website gets the most sales possible? You need to make sure your website stands out from the crowd.

But don’t worry. We’ve compiled the latest trends in eCommerce web design that you can implement today.

Check them out below.

Make Sure You’re Mobile

Did you know that 80% of internet users own a smartphone? That’s why you need to make sure your e-commerce website is mobile-friendly.

It’s likely that a customer will interact with your company on their mobile phone. One of the most effective ways to make sure your site works on all devices is to make it responsive.

A responsive site has a built-in structure that will automatically fit any device size. This includes any computer screen, tablet, and all smartphones. This is a budget-friendly way to optimize your site without breaking the bank.

And with more and more purchases happening on mobile devices, this is sure to improve your bottom line. For example, in 2010 only 1.8% of eCommerce purchases happened on a mobile phone. In Q4 of 2017, 24% did. In other words, if you’re not mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on business.

Another eCommerce Web Design Tip: Keep It Simple

Another trend to implement on your eCommerce site is simplicity. Minimalistic designs tend to lead to higher conversion rates and better customer engagement. This is because it’s harder to get confused or lost throughout the site.

Some ways to keep it simple are:

  • Build only a few pages for easy navigation

  • Use lots of white space

  • Include lots of images

  • Stay away from text-heavy sections

  • Avoid unnecessary animations and distracting calls to action

In other words, make your desired customer journey very clear. Have direct calls to action that lead to simple forms. Everything on your site, including all design elements, should have a purpose.

And if you need some more direction, we provide full-service web development help.

Personalize Your Customer Experience with AI Chatbots

One of the biggest trends in eCommerce this year is providing experiences for the individual customer instead of the mass market. It’s also important to recognize that there are many different touch points that can generate purchases.

How, though, do you create unique experiences for every customer?

AI (artificial intelligence) is a great way to automate them. And in 2018, one of the biggest AI tools businesses are implementing is chatbots.

Consumer behavior is changing online, and more than ever conversational commerce is coming into play. This means that online users like to be able to chat with someone online before purchasing to get more information or to have their questions answered.

Chatbots are specific computer programs that will simulate human conversation. Some of the main tasks they can perform are:

  • Providing customer service and support

  • Automating order processes

  • Start conversations with users to point them in the right direction.

Think about all the ways you could implement chatbots on your website to increase sales or to generate more leads. The possibilities are endless!

What You Should Do Next

Now that you’ve read about these eCommerce web design trends, what’s next?

It’s simple! Pick the ones that resonate most with you and your business and start implementing them.

And if you have questions, we’re here to help. Contact us today!

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