How to Easily Optimize Your Online Store for More Conversions

Does your online store feel like a complete dud?

If so, stop what you’re doing right now and read this before you close up shop.

Remember, you could be competing with hundreds, thousands, or even millions of other online stores, depending on your niche.

This means you have to optimize your store to gain inroads with your target consumer audience.

To get you started on the right track, we compiled this quick guide on how to optimize your store to boost that conversion rate.

Fix Your First Impression

There it is, the dreaded bounce rate.

First impressions are everything when it comes to your online store.

Your products may be on point, but if your store fails to impress a visitor within the first few seconds, that’s just another boost to your bounce rate.

In fact, more than half of your visitors (55% to be exact,) will only spend 15 seconds at your store before they leave.

15 seconds is a small window of opportunity to convert a lead into a sale. That’s why you need to make the following changes to improve your first impression.

Optimize Your Store For Mobile

If your online store is not optimized for mobile devices, you’re not doing your conversion rate any favors.

Mobile eCommerce is expected to skyrocket even more, totaling at least $600 million by 2018 alone.

Therefore, you need a responsive website that functions beautifully on both desktop computers and mobile devices.

Improve Your Online Store Load Time

Imagine you’re in a hurry and need to purchase an item online fast. What’s more annoying than waiting for an online store to slowly load?

If you think load time doesn’t impact your bottom line, think again.

According to a recent Google study, the majority of consumers expect “fast and frictionless mobile experiences”

Despite the ever-increasing need for mobile optimization, desktop shopping experiences still have an edge over mobile when it comes to load time.

Considering that 30% of all online shopping today is done on mobile devices, you have a real opportunity to crush your competition by improving your responsive website’s load time.

Up Your Visual Marketing Game

Consumers respond to visuals. That’s just a fact.

If your online store is crammed with text, it’s time to cut out the fluff and populate your store with compelling images that draw consumers in.

Studies show that when product information is accompanied by a visual, consumers are 65% more likely to remember that information.

If your store lacks visual marketing, the first thing you need to do is to feature products on your store’s homepage. Consumer studies show that more than 70% of shoppers are influenced by the products featured on a store’s homepage.

We suggest featuring your signature products, seasonal favorites during the holidays, and sale items to generate interest.

Your web store is packed with potential, so don’t give up so soon.

Boosting your conversion rate isn’t a one-time shot either.

Remember to consistently manage, promote, and track your online business to keep those sales coming.

#HowtoEasilyOptimizeYourOnlineStoreforMore #OnlineStore #Optimize #Conversions #bouncerate #LoadTime #Mobile #VisualMarketing

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