Restaurant Marketing on Social Media: The Networks You’re Forgetting

It’s no secret that having a social media presence is the key to successful marketing. While you should focus on creating your own content for your blog and on major social networks, it is important to remember that there are several opportunities for growth online. Most modern restaurants focus on creating a Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter presence, but if you want to truly stand out and find your target audience, you need to branch out.

Pinterest and Instagram

More and more restaurants are learning the importance of posting great pictures of food online. This is a key element in restaurant marketing/elements of a high-converting restaurant website. However, it can leave a much bigger impression when visitors are sharing pictures of themselves eating your food and enjoying it.

To get started on either of these networks, take a few photos of special dishes or new restaurant features. Add a hashtag for your city and your restaurant name in each entry. Follow your hashtag and react to images that are posted. You’ll quickly gain followers and entice people to eat your food.


Snapchat is a popular app that offers temporary picture and video features. While it is mostly being used for personal use, more businesses are discovering just how easy it can be to connect with their audience.

To get started, make a short video about something interesting going on in your restaurant or immediate area. Start a promotion that entices people to add you and place your username somewhere noticeable. Keep making daily short videos or taking pictures to keep your restaurant fresh in people’s minds.


Local restaurants often forget that appealing to a general audience can still bring them a lot of business. Now more than ever, people are watching YouTube and other sites for entertainment. When they see a restaurant that interests them, they share the information and may even make it a point to visit you from out-of-state.

While getting started on YouTube can be a bit trickier and more time-consuming, it can also be a lot of fun. Try coming up with a premise for a TV show that relates to your business. One popular option is to make how-to-cook videos. By providing helpful and interesting information, you are showing off your expertise and helping people discover your brand.


This social network thrives on local users finding one another and starting highly specific groups. While your business shouldn’t blatantly promote itself on Meetup, it can be a great place to discover local networking groups and opportunities. As a restaurant owner, feel free to join a few groups and become part of the community. The more local people you connect with, the more opportunities you have to create word-of-mouth advertising.


Some communities do have their own subreddit pages to discuss community issues. Much like Meetup, these forums shouldn’t be used to blatantly promote your business, but they can be a great place to meet new people. You can also use these discussions to show your restaurant cares about key issues within the community while boosting your overall online presence.

Discover Local Social Networks

Sometimes, the smallest social networks can yield the biggest results. Look for local community and business networks that will allow you to interact with others. Instead of focusing on posting images or creating advertisements, focus on making a true connection with your community. Thank people who visit your restaurant, mention you, or leave a review.

Keep in mind that social media marketing trends are constantly changing. As a restaurant owner, it is important to stay on top of these trends and keep your online marketing campaign successful. Contact us to discover new tips and tricks that can help your restaurant thrive in a competitive marketplace.

#RestaurantMarketingonSocialMediaTheNetworks #Reddit #Meetup #YouTube #SnapChat #Pinterest #Instagram #DiscoverLocalSocialNetworks #RestaurantMarketing #SocialMedia

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