5 Ideas for Creative Video Productions for Your Site

Videos are one of the hottest trends in digital marketing right now to get people’s attention. Here are 5 ideas for creative video productions for your site.

Did you know that online video content is predicted to account for more than 80% of all consumer traffic by 2020?

Video marketing seems to be where the digital marketing world is going and to stay on top of this trend, your site needs fresh and creative video productions.

If you think that only big companies bringing in lots of money can do this, you should be reminded that this is not the case.

Making quality videos is actually quite simple and can be done by any company, big or small.

As long as your video content is intriguing and resonates with your audience, you can really benefit from creative video productions.

Videos are much more than visually appealing marketing material. They can support your engagement, your leads, your SEO, your reputability, and much more.

Now it’s time to discuss five ideas to kick-start your creative video productions. Are you ready?

1. How-to and informational videos

How-to videos explain to a current or potential customer how to use your product or service. These videos are informational and created for the sole purpose of educating and making things easier for your customers.

These videos don’t take a killer creative team and a strategy to construct. Rather, just showing the way to use your product or service along with some tips and tricks will get the job done.

Get ideas for how-to videos by asking your clients and customers things they would like to learn more about and focus on those areas first.

2. Talk about trending things

One way for your business to gain great exposure is by talking about hot trending topics (that relate to your industry, of course). People love being informed about the next new thing.

This will show your audience that you are a knowledgeable and reliable force.

Take advantage of your team and work environment by having employees featured in these videos. Incorporate some funny skits to lighten the mood and show off your “cool” company.

3. Interview the expert

Let’s say you happen to know a well-known expert in your field. Expert interviews are some great creative video productions you should be taking advantage of.

Even if you don’t know someone necessarily famous in your industry, it could just be the CEO or President that would do the trick.

When people see a recognizable face and relate that to your business, this is a great way to build a reputation and get leads.

4. Create demos

Almost every company has something they can demonstrate more easily to the customer. Especially if you are a software or technology company that can walk through a process through a screencast.

Next time your company comes out with a product, create a simple video demo that shows your audience how easy it is to use.

The whole point of these creative video productions is to make your product or service look user-friendly.

5. Get your customers to talk

90% of online customers say they are influenced by online reviews. What better way to justify this statistic than creating videos of customer reviews or testimonials?

Chances are you have some customers who love your products or services and wouldn’t mind letting other people know.

Reach out to your customer base and see who would be willing to collaborate with you you can always reward them for the favor.

Who knows, you may even end up creating an infomercial!

When your audience visits your site and sees actual customers talking about and using your product, this is when you build a relationship and get new audiences.

This is also an incentive for your business to continue to make killer products and services that receive great reviews.

So, what do you think? Is your business ready to create creative video productions that take your marketing to the next step?

If you’re looking for help in crafting creative content, Overflow Local is the place to go. We are a company that’ll bring innovative digital marketing solutions to your business.

#5IdeasforCreativeVideoProductionsforYourSi #informationalvideos #VideoProductions #digitalmarketing #Videomarketing #videocontent #SEO #OverflowLocal

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